Thursday, October 6, 2011

Quitter, II

Maybe a good site to start would be Quittr, for those who have chosen to distance themselves a little from mainstream social networking sites.

A second step is to get rid of the internet. There's plenty of internet available publicly. Do I really need to be wired 24/7? Do I *really* need to? Is it good for me? If I lived in a rural area, I would probably be rethinking this, but this is how I feel here.

I couldn't imagine living without the internet before we lived without it. Then we did fine. I was happy without it. I took my computer to school when I needed to get homework files, or something of the sort. And there are computers at school, so if I don't want to lug my computer with me I can bring a thumb drive and get/send files.

We got internet here a few months ago after being without it for a while. I want to go back to being internet-less at home. I didn't have any problems being bored without the internet. If anything, I'm more bored now. I do much less.

So, Porter bought me a Kindle for my birthday (!). It has the capability to browse (though not fantastically) which means we can read wikipedia, check mail, and even do forums. Also, the device comes with free 3G. It definitely is not a replacement for a computer, but if I need to look something up, I don't have to drive to school. I'm compromising, and I won't be totally offline. But I think it might be a better device for what I want to do, which is partially disconnect from the online world and live a little more life.

I know some people feel more comfortable connected as much as they can, but I don't.


  1. Happy Birthday! :)

  2. I found your blog through your yodelling instruction on youtube! I wanted to put my 2cents in about this topic; I deleted my FB account a couple of days ago (I've had it for probably 4.5 years) for various reasons. It was way harder to do than I imagined, and it took a few tries before I could actually follow through with it. I thought I would go through a withdrawal phase, but I haven't yet! I guess I didn't need it so bad in the first place.
