Monday, October 31, 2011

No Pictures=No Posts

For some reason, I feel obligated to put up a picture when I post (it makes the flipcard view much more attractive and even to me). But that's no reason not to blog, is it!?

This week I start my Unknowns project in microbiology. We are all given two test tubes; one has one bacteria in it and the other is mixed. We have to culture them, keep them alive, and do enough tests on them to determine which bacteria we've been given. It seems like fun, so far, but certain things make it stressful. The bacteria can die, get contaminated, etc, and you can only get a replacement at expense of points off your grade. Also, there are THREE that need to be worked on. Some tests take overnight or a few days to do. Some tests are harder to interpret or get to work right. in the end, as long as it works out :)

Also, tomorrow we get rid of our internet! I'm so excited. I'll have to take my computer to school once in a while, and I will be blogging whenever I can.

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