Wednesday, September 28, 2011


I actually feel a bit of relief every time I see someone else on facebook. I don't have to do it anymore.

I got a 91.5 on my microbiology test. It's not so bad. A 92+ is an A. However, it is a little disappointing. Last year, my first exam was 105, but my professor said I was working too hard. She was probably right. But I still want an A in this class, and I see no reason not to get an A in my other classes as well. However, I won't find out how this all pans out until the end of the semester, and I am NOT worried about it. The nursing application doesn't really matter anymore because they just look at midterms (and I'm not definitely not failing anything yet), but I really like those As all in a row. If I get a B once, I may fall out of love with As and be satisfied with less. But right now I can't be! I am not being good about it. My head knows I need to stop with this obsession and be happier with life, but a part of me just says I need to endure whatever I have to to get As. I don't know how to shoot for Bs, but it would be handy in some classes. Do you just hand in late work? Do you not study at all?

I keep saying I'm bottling, but I haven't! Yesterday the bottles weren't clean (I finished cleaning them around 11pm), and today I was just too busy. Tomorrow, maybe :)


  1. Hey I study hard and turn work in on time and still get Bs

  2. Do you know how to get Cs, then? I just don't know what to do, or where to aim.

    I'm afraid if I tried to just do a little less I might just fail a class, because I'd probably do nothing at all.

  3. So people must just remember things better... I mean look at Kristi. I have been a B to B+ student my whole life and I study soooooo much and still can't get a darn A.. now if I want a C I do nothing. Look at the micro test I studied soo much Bonnie ya know and look what happened there.

  4. It also is a very unnatural thing, the whole grading thing. It's kind of weird. There should be a more organic way to tell how students are doing, but then school is such a system and can only deal with numbers and percents.

    You do study hard and you do fine. You really do! I know you'll make an excellent nurse, and that's important, grades are not.
