Thursday, January 3, 2013


I was flipping through my old calendar and I noticed that I wrote on the last day of June, 2012, "149 lbs." Previously, I had marked on January 1, 2012, a full year ago, "172 lbs." I assume I expected the rest of the baby weight to fall off of me. But I have stayed at that weight for over six months now! Kind of remarkable, on the one hand, that I didn't gain it all back by my thoughtless eating. I have a feeling that this next six months will be the time to lose the next 15-20 pounds, depending on how close to pre-baby weight I really want to get. So bear with me, I might blog some updates on that from time to time, depending on how it's going and whether or not anything seems interesting.

One thing I have found is that if I skip a meal, it must be breakfast, and I have to make SURE to eat a hearty lunch. Not overstuffing myself, but just an actual lunch and not snacking. Then I can hold off till 6-7 to eat supper and wrap things up with a drink or a dessert before bed. It also helps to go out in the afternoon and not be bored! Also, I've noticed that I'm much more in tune with my metabolism these days. When I eat a lot of food in the evening, I'm ravenous the next morning. Absolutely starving. And if I've eaten light and it's evening, I can feel I'm colder. It's so interesting.

Another thing I do when I'm losing weight is make sure to not restrain myself at all for at least a few days of the week. I haven't been depriving myself during my lighter eating days (I eat anything, really! Only small amounts, or I decide to eat it and then wait a few hours to have it, or something like that to maintain a deficit) so I don't pig out. I just eat normally, and anything that I'm particularly hungry for whenever I'm hungry. When I have been eating only meals, with no seconds (generally, unless I'm really hungry) and no snacks, I find that I can't really pig out much anyway. It's like my stomach shrinks! (Probably really the case, actually).

But I'm getting tired of talking about weight, so enough with this post already.

1 comment:

  1. That's how I lose weight too. I eat whatever I want on Sundays and if I've been good I usually treat myself to a drink or dessert at bed time.
