Friday, April 24, 2020

Green Plants, Black Coffee, and We're All Going to Die

In the past that last little bit would have been followed up by "So believe in Jesus and repent so you can go to heaven!" but now it's not. You can draw your own conclusions from that. 

Death, however, is the most assured thing we have going on, right? 

I'm sitting in my living room surrounded by my plants, my kids are outside biking, and I'm sipping coffee. Ok I lied, it is not completely black. It has heavy cream in it. 

In some ways, a blog is perfect for me. The way I can change topics in a sentence, the way I can expound on anything I wish, and the way I can say as much or as little as I wish. And I barely have to think of anyone listening, unlike facebook and instagram, both of which have grown to have such disappointing features. 

Well this is cut short by children who I love more than anything else. Happily I can put the computer down and enjoy these moments, because what else does anyone have? I would be a fool to miss them. 

1 comment:

  1. Like.

    I love plants. Not so much the coffee. Definitely the cream.

    Good for you to set the computer aside and spend time with the real.
