Monday, July 23, 2012

Flying Light

I have a chance to try some minimalist ideas on a trip! One of Porter's brothers is flying us out to Kentucky for a family reunion and we will be there for a week. For myself, my list is pretty simple.

  • I will wear an outfit for the flight: boots and socks, jeans, tank top and undershirt (I wear something like this this because they work splendidly for nursing!), and I will wear one pair of earrings which will be the only pair along
  • 2 shirts
  • 2 undershirts
  • 1 pair socks (going to wear flipflops most of the time, but I also need the boots)
  • 4 pairs of underwear
  • 1 skirt
  • flipflops
  • deodorant
  • hair conditioner
  • facial moisturizer
  • floss + toothbrush
  • mp3 player
  • a book? I kind of expect to be so busy with Aftasie that there will be no time to read
  • laptop (we're just bringing one, and since mine is lighter and more portable I think it will be my mac)
  • a purse with my wallet in it, which I will stash in my knapsack for the flight
We are staying in a hotel for a total of four nights of the eight, so I should be able to get shampoo (I'm counting on it!), and Porter is bringing toothpaste so I'm not going to bring any more. I am convinced we might be able to get a complimentary tube at the hotel, but I'm not sure, and Porter definitely isn't into going without toothpaste on my whim :P 

We'll be able to do laundry at Porter's family's house, so I should be good asking to throw in my shirts with someone else's laundry, since I won't have a full load to do even when all of my clothes need to be washed. 

For Aftasie, it's a little more tricky. I'm planning on bringing a knapsack for myself (my "personal item") and bringing a diaper bag as my carryon. I'm bringing a week's worth of clothes for her (yes, they'll get dirty before the week is up but we can do laundry), as well as enough diapers/wipes for the trip. We'll buy some diapers when we get there. I also need to bring her diaper oinments which I'm packing in 2.5 ounce baby jars. I looked over the TSA guidelines and there doesn't seem to be any regulation as to whether the containers are glass or plastic. Everything liquid/gel I'm bringing for her and myself should fit very comfortably in the regulation quart-sized bag. 

For Aftasie I also need to bring a water cup and possibly a bowl, and we're also bringing a bag of assorted snacks that will probably get tossed in my knapsack to bring my bag count down to two including all of our snacks. 

We will also need to bring her carseat, which going to be a pain to carry but necessary if we want to get anywhere on the other end! It also flies free in addition to our regular carryon + personal items, which is very nice.


  1. :) you're awesome. i remember packing a TON of stuff when we travelled with Hailey and it was so unwieldy and a pain. i found that i listened to others about what i "needed" and didn't really ask myself whether i "needed" something or not. the amount slowly reduced when we had Brennan. you're awesome to start now!

  2. I packed all of my clothes in one of the muslin bags you gave me! And my toiletries went in another one. They're pretty handy :)
    Yes, I think I overpacked on my last trip to Eugene. This time I think I will be a little more reasonable.
