Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Bad Test

Wowee. I feel so awful. I hadn't really studied for my last patho exam. It is SO stressful. Normally I really enjoy tests. I love them! I love going in on test day, and being confident. But I hadn't studied. Not fun. Not good. Not even remotely enjoyable. I can understand why some people hate tests.

Next time I'm going to do better. I have to. It's not a matter of passing, because my grades so far could allow for even a failed test, but it's a matter of saving my student-self! I love school. I just don't have enough time to do everything. Prioritize, prioritize...

So, anyway. I feel awful still. Like I ran someone over or something (well, not THAT bad). It's so disrespectful to the teacher, too. Blah.

Aftasie and I :) 


  1. She is so cute.

  2. Hi Bonnie,

    I found you on Youtube recently. I was trying to learn how to yodel. Then I started watching your other vidclips for fun. I wondered why you disappeared and now I see you have a lovely baby! Congrats!
    I really enjoy your posts and clips.
    Do you still yodel?

    Best wishes,
    Delila Black

  3. Thanks Ginger! Isn't she :) I love her to pieces.

    Delia, I only yodel on occasion. I don't perform much anymore, so it doesn't really come up (and I hardly any play music right now for myself. I'm so busy!).
