Monday, October 31, 2011

Occupy Wall Street Violence

I talked with a relative on the phone the other day who didn't really know anything about the protests going on. This set of pictures makes me sick to my stomach. If I had just eaten I probably could vomit.

Police Brutality at Occupy Wall Street Protests.


  1. Unforunatly not the first time something like this happens to OWS protesters:

    I am not from the USA, therefore I wonder how well informed the US population is about the protests, is it a subject in the mainstream media?


  2. I'm not sure. I hear plenty about them, since my husband reads the news regularly and passes information on to me. I would be interested to see if, say, the students at my school generally know much about them.

    I see plenty of people saying, of the persecution, "They deserved it," and things like that. :(

  3. There was a newsmedia effort to obscure the protests, Juri, but then police brutality got them in the national news and they've stayed there. The reports are brief and full of vague allegations of protester misbehavior. Commentators here ridicule the movement or pretend to be unable to understand its causes. They also announce its demise often. But, yes, if an American follows the news, she should know something about Occupy Wall Street.

  4. Looks like a part of the US media (FoxNews etc.) is doing everything to discredit the protests, so I try to get my information from independant news sources. Here in Europe the media reported quite positive about the OWS protests, but the reports have nearly completely ceased, since we are now knee-deep in our own financial crisis.

  5. Modern U.S. history does not have that much in common with European history. Due to the luxuries we've enjoyed, we have very little sympathy for the poor and disenfranchised or for those who argue with the status quo.

  6. Also, as a friend of mine pointed out not long ago, we didn't experience the period of dictatorship most of modern Europe did. Therefore, we have no healthy fear of a dictatorship here.
