Thursday, September 29, 2011

Cuddle Party

I found this cuddle party site from a thread at TLHC. At first I was thinking it was kind of strange, then that it was really interesting,, and then really sad. I do not think humans are created to be alone, but that doesn't (shouldn't) translate to "humans should not be without a sexual partner."
"Cuddling with strangers is ick," is what a lot of responses were. But what DO you do if there is no touch in your family, or you live alone and never touch anyone, and you crave to be touched?

The other day I sat in a row if classmates and I actually noticed every time my arm brushed one of my classmates. Isn't that odd? It still stands out to me as an unusual situation, but I think it's just a product of our society and how I've been raised.

So, what is good? I know there are plenty of people who don't like to be touched, and naturally, as one who likes to be touched I am pro-touch, but in an ideal society, would we tend to touch each other more? Are we lacking touch in our culture? What does it do (or not do) to us to go without touch of other human beings? Is it just all about culture, and those who are raised in a non-touching culture do absolutely fine without it, or is there something about touch that everyone needs? I'd lean towards the latter, because of common sense about who we are and seeing the results of babies not being touched, but I realize there are some who simply do not like to be touched, whether from abuse or some other situation. Are those non-normal situations, or can some of us live healthily with no human touch?

I guess a more basic question would be: Is it natural to have a need to be touched, and what do you do about meeting that need in a society where touch is mostly taboo, unless it is with a sexual partner or a (your) young child?

1 comment:

  1. I think our culture is lacking in the touch area. In other countries around the world people are much more hands on, so to speak, in their every day lives and interactions with other people. But I also think our culture lacks tight knit communities that you'll find in other countries too.
